I know, i know.. we're always looking for the next best way to increase engagement, because engagement =sales 💰 right?
But did we try going back to the basics?
Good ol' hashtags! Yeah, those seemingly impossible things to understand but we're told somehow are still an important thing to figure out.. yeah those🤢
But don't you worry, this isn't another "build your perfect hashtag set" kind of post.. we do things differently here.
So here's your homework 📓
Think of a hashtag that your ideal clients would follow and engage with.. go on that hashtag and check out the 'recent' posts tab. Find 10 people that seem like your ideal clients, and engage with their profile! Like a couple posts, comment something meaningful, even DM them! Why?🤔
When people recieve love they wanna give it back! If you love on your ideal clients they will return the favor! And pro tip- make sure you actually DM them! Because this will not only make them happy (duh☺️) But it will also keep them invested in you! The more a person engages with a profile (i.e DMs you back) the more they are likely to see your content snd engage with it! And that's how you build a follower relationship🤝