Say WHAT?👀⠀
YEAH! Heres how I doubled my engagement on my recent post in one day🗣⠀
How? By using secret hashtags🤫⠀
Of course, it's important for everyone to know their specific hashtags that represent your brand and relate to you posts, but how do we decide which ones to use?⠀
👉🏻You can use apps to help you find your niche hashtags that will help you grow.⠀
👉🏻You can come up with your own hashtags (make sure to use a variety of smaller ones and more general one) But smaller ones allow you more chances to be on the top posts since it's not so saturated.⠀
👉🏻But my FAVE way is to go spy on your competition, see which specific hashtags they use, and do a few experiments to see which ones work for you. That is also a great way to find random hashtags that WORK!🔑⠀